About Us
Welcome to Memorial Lutheran
At the Center of Our Life Together: Worship!
At Memorial Lutheran we sing and pray, tell where we have seen God at work, and offer one another God's peace. Even though these actions might look a little different right now, we never forget that no matter how we worship, praising God is at the center of all we do.
Sunday Morning Worship: In-person and livestreamed
Join us for in-person worship each Sunday morning at 9:00am. This service is also livestreamed on YouTube and Facebook.

Our Beliefs

Our Values

Our Purpose
What We Believe
- God loves us all, showing no partiality, through the sacrificing love of Jesus Christ. We trust in the undeserved grace of God.
- God speaks to all people through the Holy Word:
- Jesus, the Word made flesh
- the Word made alive in our speaking guided by the Holy Spirit;
- the Word written in the Bible and inspired by the Holy Spirit.
- God calls and gathers us to be the body of Christ in the world today. This gathering, the Church, is God’s gift to you, to us and to the world.
- The first purpose of the Church (the people gathered by God) is to announce the peaceful reign of God in Christ Jesus, and to share God’s Holy Word and Sacraments with all people of every nation and race.
- God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, Luther’s Small Catechism, and the Lutheran Confessions are trustworthy summaries of the Christian faith.
- The Lutheran church is catholic and reforming, uniting and renewing the ecumenical Church.
- In the peaceful reign of God, there is a new creation. God calls all of us to serve as partners – to work, pray, dream, suffer and even die for the sake of the Gospel.
- Loving one another as Jesus loves us.
- Praying in our daily lives, including all the activities of our congregation.
- Reaching spirit led decisions by consensus through discernment in listening, patience and prayer.
- Speaking out for justice and mercy, and reaching out with mercy and generosity to all, especially the downtrodden.
- Christian hospitality – welcoming the stranger and one another as if we were welcoming Christ Himself.
- Fulfilling our life’s purpose by using our Godgiven gifts with integrity, humility and quiet joy.
- Modeling the Christian life for one another, particularly our children.
- Learning Biblical and theological wisdom and the habits of faith.
- Supporting one another in faith by cherishing Christian fellowship and fun.
- Sharing God’s gifts within our congregation:
Energy for service
Attention to worship and study
Money for God’s work in the world
- to call, gather, nurture and equip girls & boys, women & men for the life’s ministry to which they have been gifted;
- to build up the Christian home, the primary place of faith formation;
- to keep sacred the Christian assembly, the place of Word and Sacraments;
- and to invite the world into the household of faith through Jesus Christ, the Lord.
Our Staff
Thank you for visiting! Please email us if you would like more information.
Mike Coverdale
Our Council
Steve Jungst
Larry Parker
Kenzie Alderson
Steve Lekwa
Tanya Sorem
Erin Rewerts
Kathy Lynn Johnson
Carl Link
Denise Rehor
Emilia Stage
Wayne Kinyon
Council Member
Building Use
The Nevada Boys & Girls Club, Girl Scout troops, and other groups meet regularly in our building. We also host family and other events.
If you would like to schedule an event at Memorial, please call the church office at 515-382-6509 during business hours or email us at emily@mlcnevada.org.